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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Grandpa's Hotcakes

yield: a lot of hotcakes!
cook at: medium-high heat

 I re-created (my favorite word) this recipe from my Grandpa's ever-famous Hotcakes, I am still working on  it but this is the closest I've ever come. My family used to go up to my grandpa and grandma's house to have a hotcake and sausage breakfast, I used to watch him "spank"  the hotcakes(us kids got to wear their pajamas). It was like walking down memory lane to taste these. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did.


Grandpa's Hotcakes

yield: a lot of hotcakes!
cook at: medium-high heat

4 eggs
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 cup water
 1/2 cup arrowroot flour
1-2 tablespoons coconut palm sugar depending on how sweet you want them
1/2 cup coconut flour(you want the consistency to be like a thin pancake batter so you may need more or less)
1/4 teaspoons salt

Heat a cast iron skillet to medium-high heat( I use cast iron because non-stick has a Teflon coating which releases chemicals whatscookingamerica.net/Toxic Cookware), you could use non-stick but I would only use that once in a while). In a medium size bowl mix eggs and coconut oil together. Add yogurt, water, and vanilla. In another bowl mix arrowroot, sugar and salt together. add the dry ingredients to the wet. Slowly add the coconut flour until it reaches to consistency of pancake batter(you want it to be pourable but thick enough that they aren't super thin, it really depends on how thick/thin you like your pancakes). Turn the heat down (so they don't burn or cook to fast) and put some coconut oil or butter in the pan, then pour the batter into the pan. Enjoy!!

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